Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sabbatical ending, and new beginnings, and continuing

Well, my son's last day of school is tomorrow, which is also my last day of daycare for him until he goes for full days starting in July, when I hit the office again. (Alert: Jen is returning to campus.) Between tomorrow and my start date at work, we have a little vacation time - at one point earmarked for a trip, but that has been unplanned (see previous post). Instead, some of that 'stay-cation' time is filling up with local fun things, like a trip to Mont Cascades and a farm vacation with my mom; and some of it is gloriously open and free. I anticipate lazy mornings, visits to the splash pad, many many games of let's pretend, music and stories. And I MAY even do a titch more simplifying and organizing in my mouse's nest of a home. I'm letting go of a lot of things lately, including my car. Anyone want to buy a 98 Toyota Corolla?


Hannah said...

Sounds like you've got a good summer planned. Have you considered selling your car on Craigslist?

TWFKAH said...

So, how is life back at the grind? :(

Jen G said...

Hi Hannah - I'm putting the car on 'country craigslist' - parking it at the end of my parents' laneway with a big sign - but I should consider less luddite methods as well!

Hi someone formerly known as Harmony - life back at the grind is... grinding me down a bit. That afternoon blood sugar dip is BRUTAL. But there's good stuff, like being welcomed on my first day with a card signed by everyone and some delicious lemon blueberry tarts. And not having to create my own structure out of thin air every morning.